Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 48 : The Oath in the Tunnel

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 48



 Continuing from the previous episode, Lan Fan repeatedly slices Gluttony with the blade from her new automatic arm, allowing Ling to punch him. The two work together to continue the attack and inside Ling, Greed is happy to beat him and also praises Ling for having such a woman that was hidden from him. As the two continue to attack Gluttony, continuing to force him to regenerate with no way to counterattack, in Ed’s group, Fu tells them about the dragon pulse and how it allows them to sense chi combined with the fact that they are well adapted to see more clearly at night . Once Ed realizes that Fu is right next to him, Fu reveals that after Lan Fan’s automail operation, they went to Headquarters to find out what was going on before discovering the large chi in that place and following him. Once Ed realizes it was because of Greed and Gluttony, Fu is happy to hear that Greed, the one who was absorbed into Ling’s body, is nearby. Fu also senses two other unique chis, one that Darius realizes is Pride while Heinkel is fighting him, and another that is Ed’s father since he is very massive, though Ed suggests ignoring it for now.

Although Fu is confident that Lan Fan can handle the Gluttony, Ed is concerned that he has only had his new automail for six months, but gets stuck in the explosion of a bomb that Lan Fan drops, which Fu explains that they have more than just melee combat. combat skills in your arsenal. When Ed questions what arsenal Fu is equipped with, Ed realizes after Fu’s explanation that he can be of help in dealing with the Pride and knows that he must go help the Heinkel as the townspeople from Kanama begin to turn the lights back on. The Heinkel, on the other hand, is becoming exhausted by the attack on the Pride. Meanwhile, at the bar, Madame Christmas supplies Colonel Mustang with photographs that prove Selim Bradley is not human, as they were taken 20-50 years ago, each with a different government VIP. Madame Christmas also states that none of the residents of the Führer’s hometown have seen him, even though official records state that he was born and raised there, and even the residence listed there is false. Madame Christmas then points out that King Bradley has no real relatives. Madame Christmas admitted that she overcame fatigue during this difficult investigation once she discovered that Selim was not human. Mustang questions why no one noticed this before, he can only state that it’s probably because he’s the son of their nations leader so it’s easy to make anything.

Heinkel continues to tire as he holds Pride down, and when two unsuspecting townspeople from Kanama arrive with a lantern, thinking the monster is trying to kill the child, Pride uses the distraction to injure Heinkel and then knock the lantern out of one of them. the townspeople’s hands start a forest fire and create more light. Before Pride can finish Heinkel, Ed arrives and deflects the attack with his automatic arm. Outside Madame Christmas’s bar, government agents are watching, hoping that Roy Mustang will come. When another agent arrives and reveals that her real name is Chris Mustang, Roy’s foster mother, they try to enter, but are stopped by an explosion that destroys the bar. It turns out that the two have run off into the sewers, and Roy promises her that one day he will help her start a new bar again. Knowing she has to hide for a while, Madame Christmas reveals that her girls who worked for her have already fled to another country to avoid being taken hostage, saying they have to mind their own business. Before leaving, Madame Christmas hopes that Roy won’t end up in a body bag and labeled a rebel, and Mustang admits that she should stop treating him like a child. The Mustang then exits the sewers into an abandoned shaft where 2nd Lt. Breda, Sgt. Fuery and Lt. Hawkeye are waiting for him.

Hawkeye reveals that due to the Bradley family’s plan, both the Führer and Selim are scheduled for three days at the training ground, only for Mustang to reveal that the train carrying the Führer has plunged into the river. Breda admits that Grumman is certainly taking some extreme measures, but Hawkeye says that it will be harder for their mission to succeed now that the alert level has been raised after this incident. Fuery asks if the eastern troops will arrive as planned. All the Mustangs can say is that even if their primary mission turns into a trap, all they can do is move forward without looking back and hopefully survive to rebuild their nation. Meanwhile, Ed continues to block Pride’s attacks with his automatic arm, even though blocking simultaneous strikes from multiple directions is draining him. Ed admits that keeping his automatic arm in the Northern design was a smart move because of its carbon fiber metal composition (which Ed transmuted similar to Greed’s Ultimate Shield) that allows him to block the Pride’s attacks. Pride again tries to take control of Al’s armor to use as a shield while he fights Ed, but Fullmetal has anticipated this and at this point signals Fu to use Xinges’ lightning grenade to break Pride’s shadow and save Al.

Meanwhile, Gluttony can only escape while regenerating because he can’t face Ling and Lan Fan. Spotting a flash grenade, he follows it to its source, Ling and Lan Fan in pursuit, despite Lan Fan having trouble with his hastily made automail hand. After Darius drags Al away as Pride’s shadow disappears, Ed assures him that he was cut off from the main body and that he needs to get Al as far away as possible. Before Pride can attack again, Ed uses another Flash Bomb. Once Gluttony mentions what happened to him, Pride realizes that Ling has taken control of his own body and that Lan Fan is the Xingese warrior mentioned by Wrath, both of whom have the ability to sense chi. Once Gluttony mentions that he has been killed many times, Pride realizes that both Philosopher’s Stone cores have been severely depleted and will die if the battle drags on. Left with no choice, Pride kills Gluttony and consumes him with his shadow, inheriting both Gluttony’s Philosopher’s Stone and his powerful sense of smell. This allows Pride to sense that Hohenheim is nearby, as well as Al and Darius.

At Central Command, the superior reveals to the father that Mustang has met his former subordinates and that the train accident of both the Führer and the Ishvalans heading to Headquarters is probably related to this. Dad asks what Mustang is going to do next since they know Mustang a little better than he does, to which after a few seconds Major General Armstrong suggests that he kidnap Mrs. Bradley. The father says it’s unlikely because he’s useless as a hostage. Just then, Mustang’s group stops the car Mrs. Bradley is traveling in, and after removing her bodyguards, Mustang declares that she must go with him, promising not to get hurt in the process.

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