Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 48 : Goodbye

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 48




 In Drachma, Lt. Col. Armstrong makes it clear that Brig. General Mustang that the plan with them will confuse the soldiers and they won’t follow orders. Armstrong then initiates the plan by convincing the soldiers that they are going to stage a mutiny against the Führer. Back at the factory, Wrath barely escapes Lenh’s ethanol body, suffering burns on the left side of his own body. Sloth thanks the Elrics before dying completely and Wrath weeps at her loss. Winry appears and Ed realizes too late that it is Envy in disguise as Al captures and says he will take him to his master’s place. Wrath wants to use Al to resurrect the sloth, but Envy kicks him away and leaves with Al. Just as Wrath overpowers Ed to get his revenge, Izumi shows up and forces Wrath to flee, saying he has nothing to do with her. After Ed mentions that Wrath cried for him after Lenh’s death, Izumi reveals that she can help save Al, which is why she came.

At the bookstore in Central City, the Tringham brothers are checking out books, and Fletcher hopes to see the Elrics again. When the manager mentions that only state alchemists can put their books on the card and need money to afford a hotel room, Russell again foolishly impersonates Edward, unaware of the Elrics’ new refugee status. After the military police arrive, Russell tries to explain that he was only joking so that he and Fletcher would be imprisoned. Back at the factory, Ed and Izumi learn that Wrath has killed Lust, stating that only the four Homunculi and their master remain. The two see Mr. Tucker playing with his doll Nina and think she is alive. Seeing that nothing can be done about it, Ed transforms the weapon to further restore his arm and leaves Tucker to himself. Ed and Izumi decide their next move is to go after Pride first, as he is the only homunculus they can easily find.

In Drachma, Armstrong learns that there were fewer soldiers who sided with them than expected, which is fine since Mustang’s rebellion is meant to be a distraction. It turns out that Mustang and Lt. Hawkeye with them are 2nd Lt. Havoc and Sgt. Fuery disguised as the real ones took their place in the hospital in Central. After convincing the nurse not to report them, the two set out in different clothes. Major General Hakuro is tasked with putting down the rebellion, and the Führer convinces him that he only promoted Mustang to test his loyalty. Before leaving his office, Führer Bradley learns of some of the arrested children pretending to be the Elrics and decides to have them executed. While the Tringham brothers ponder their predicament in their cell, Mustang obtains the plans for the Führer’s house and learns of the supposed arrest of the Elrics. At Central Headquarters, Ed and Izumi launch an attack, with Izumi angry at Ed for not confirming if the Führer would actually be there, as he had left to celebrate his son’s birthday. Using the transmuted door and the plants, the Tringhams use the transmuted plant to draw Ed and Izumi into the room where they are with 2nd Lt. Ross and Sgt. Brosh’s help. It turns out that Ross and Brosh saved Russell and Fletcher during Ed and Izumi’s commotion over the Führer’s order to have them executed for claiming to be the Elric brothers.

Russell reveals that they came to Central with a page from their father’s journal that reveals a secret location. They are then attacked by Colonel Archer, where more than half of his body is fitted with automail to replace the part lost in Reola, which turned him into a cyborg. Recognizing both Ed and Izumi, he prepares to attack, forcing Izumi to stay behind and fight him. Outside the building, Mustang and Hawkeye witness the battle and just before they leave, knowing they are not needed, Ed shows up. While riding in their car, Ed learns of Mustang’s plan and points out that even if Mustang succeeded in assassinating the Führer, it would end his dream of becoming Führer himself. Mustang admits that this is revenge for Hughes and that he and Ed are very similar in that they are both willing to give up on their dreams. Ed states that the wars to create the Philosopher’s Stone were started because of a mysterious person and the Homunculi, and now he must defeat the person and destroy the stone so that no one remembers him. Ed is willing to do this, even if he and Al have to stay in their current bodies, which is more important. After getting out of the car, Ed and Mustang say their final goodbyes and go their separate ways.

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