Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 6 : Road of Hope

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 6




 The next day, Lt. Col. Hughes visits Edward and Alphonse as they leave East City by train with Major Armstrong as their escort, explaining that Alex’s presence is necessary as neither boy can defend himself should the escaped Scar happen to attack. . As their train pulls up the next morning, Armstrong suddenly recognizes a passerby, whom he identifies as Dr. Marcoha. When Marcoh sees the Major, he panics and runs away. Edward is confused until Alex explains that Marcoh was a state alchemist researching the possible medical applications of alchemy, but disappeared after the Ishval Civil War. Hoping that the doctor’s expertise can shed some light on biological transmutation, Edward states that they will disembark here and take a later train to their destination. Armstrong, Edward, and Alphonse wander the town asking for Dr. Marcoh, but it soon turns out that the former state alchemist lives in the town under the false name of “Dr. Mauro”, who mysteriously heals people using alchemy. They manage to track down Marcoh, but are met with hostility as the good doctor fears that Armstrong has been sent to either arrest or assassinate him. After Edward and Alex manage to calm Marcoh down, he explains to them that he ran away from Ishval out of guilt over his research being used to massacre innocent people during the war, and is trying to atone for his sins by using his life and . his research to heal others. But it’s the revelation of Marcoh’s research object that truly shocks the Elrics, as Marcoh claims that his experiments were meant to create the legendary Philosopher’s Stone. A shocked Edward wants to see it and is even more surprised when Marcoh complies and pours the red gel from the small bottle. He explains that what he has isn’t a full Philosopher’s Stone and could run out of power at any time, but it meets all the legendary properties. Deducing that this stone was a success in the war and must also be what Cornello had, Edward asks to see Marco’s research notes in hopes of finding a way to forge the “real stone”. When Marcoh demands the identity of the boy’s major, he is angered to learn that someone as young as Ed would become a state alchemist despite the atrocities of being a “human weapon” for the government, but Edward declares that he will continue his goal, even if his decision is foolish. After Ed and Al explain their situation, Marcoh expresses his fascination with Ed’s abilities and states that he may be talented enough to create the real Philosopher’s Stone, but refuses to reveal his research, saying that the stone is not something to be sought after. could be desired, and asks them. everyone leave.

At the station, Edward answers Armstrong’s question as to why he didn’t simply steal Marcoh’s stone, replying that his conscience would not allow him to take the object that had healed so many of the townspeople while Armstrong keeps it on himself. he does not plan to report Marcoh’s whereabouts to his superiors. However, before they board the train, Marcoh himself appears and gives Edward a small message. After changing his mind regarding Ed’s situation, he explains that what he wrote on the note is where his Philosopher’s Stone research notes are hidden, and that he believes Edward has the willpower to look at the terrible truth. face and talent to discover “the truth behind the truth”. On the train, Edward tells the others that the ticket says National Central Library, First Branch. Marcoh returns to his home where Lust is waiting for him.

In Resembool, the boys arrive at the Rockbell house and introduce Major Armstrong to Pinako and Winry. Winry angrily laments the complete destruction of her master automail and wonders what a dangerous life the Elrics live. Ed explains his situation and his rush to get back to Central, and the Rockbells promise to fix his arm and adjust his leg according to his recent growth within three days. When Ed goes to visit his mother’s grave, Pinako asks Major Armstrong to tell her how the boys are doing since they forgot to send a single letter home. He explains that they are quite famous in the capital, but their reputation will get them into trouble and asks Pinako if they are like family to her. She replies that she has known both boys since they were born and was friends with their father, who suddenly disappeared one day. Armstrong asks what happened to Winry’s parents, to which Pinako replies that they both went to the front lines of the Ishval Civil War to serve as emergency surgeons and were killed in action. When it is revealed that the Elrics live in Rockbell’s house, even though they grew up in that town, Pinako reveals that Edward burned Elric’s house to the ground on the day he received his state alchemist certificate three years ago to remove any path of retreat from his ultimate goal. For three days, Winry and Pinako take on the task of machining and adjusting Ed’s limbs, and once they’re done, they begin the quick but painful task of connecting them to Edward’s nervous system and adjusting them for use while listening to Ed’s convulsions. and dream of the day when it no longer requires automatic mail corrections. Winry tries to explain to Ed that his new arm is less durable than its predecessor, but Edward rushes to repair Al’s armor. After collecting all the broken pieces, Edward carefully transforms them back into their proper form, being careful not to affect the area on which his brother’s Blood Rune is drawn, as the rune itself keeps Al’s soul bound to the steel. Ed states that they will leave for Central at sunrise, and while he sleeps, Alphonse thanks the Rockbells for their help on his brother’s behalf. The next morning at dawn, the Elrics and Armstrong leave to catch the nearest train. Pinako asks them to come back for a visit if they ever crave a home-cooked meal, and Winry, groggy from three days and two nights of work, cheerfully waves goodbye from her bedroom. However, that evening, when she wakes up from recovering from her lost sleep, she discovers the bolt she forgot to put in Edward’s arm.

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