Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 39 : Daydream

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 39



 Standing atop a building with Winry under his arm, Scar taunts Kimblee below, angering his long-time enemy. Furious at the outcome of the situation, Edward rushes to Kimblee and angrily demands to know why Crimson Lotus didn’t follow Winry better, but Kimblee ignores Fullmetal’s outburst and prepares to attack the Ishvalan fugitive with his alchemy, further endangering the youth. lady. Ed manages to stop the transmutation, giving Scar a chance to escape. As the search party splits up again in pursuit, Major Miles remarks that Edward gave a convincing performance, but Ed replies that he wasn’t acting – he’s really angry at himself for having to put Winry at risk like that.

The scene shifts to a few minutes earlier while Scar was still being held captive inside the building. He refused to apologize for his actions in Ishval, telling Winry that he had every right to take revenge on him for the death of his parents, but Winry merely bandaged the Scarred Man’s wounds, noting that – while she could not forgive him for what he had done – the care of his injury is a procedure her parents would have done. Ed approaches Scar and states that, despite Winry’s wishes to the contrary, it is his wish to enact proper revenge. When Scar can stand it, he addresses Miles and asks him what he meant by calling him his countryman, and the Major takes off his glasses and laments that he had to meet one of his red-eyed brothers under these circumstances. Scar questions why Miles would participate in the American military that destroyed their homeland, and Miles replies that his goal now is to change the perception of the Ishvalans from within their own social system. Scar counters in disbelief that people’s minds aren’t so easily changed, but Miles explains that no matter how small, his actions will serve to make a difference in the long run, and that the person who taught him that was an Amestrian. Faced with this new perspective, Scar laments his status as a conduit for long-dead hatred and expresses gratitude that people like Miles exist. As Miles summons Kimblee and informs Scar that his arrest is imminent, Dr. Marcoh and May and explains that they still need Scar’s help deciphering the key alchemical notes his brother left behind. Understanding the dilemma, Miles suggests that Scar, May, Winry, and Marcoh all be holed up in the massive Fort Briggs until all of the information on the alkahestria, research notes, and the nationwide transmutation ring (which he heard about from Major General Armstrong) is fully figured out. Edward expresses his reluctance, but given no other option, Miles demands Scar’s cooperation, which the fugitive swears on his Ishvalan blood. Meanwhile, the tied up Jerso and Zampano regain consciousness and Miles orders them shot. However, Al protests and the outraged chimeras mock his soft heart, explaining that there is no happy future for alchemically mutated monsters like themselves. However, when Al reveals the state of his own body, he convinces them that there is hope that their bodies can be restored through alchemy or alkahestra if they continue to live.

Unfortunately, with a snowstorm brewing overhead, Miles notes that their previous plan to secretly march to Briggs would soon become impossible, but Yoki replies that the underground mine tunnels at Baschool would probably make a decent escape route. Miles checks the map of the mine and instructs Marcoh to head the tunnels outside where he can secretly meet with some agents from the fortress; However, Marcoh notes that the issue of Winry’s escape remains a problem, as her disappearance only makes Kimblee suspect the Elrics’ hand. Winry realizes this and comes up with a plan to escape herself with Scar as a pretend hostage. As Kimblee comes pressed for time, she forces Elric to reluctantly agree, which is bolstered by Scar’s promise to keep her safe. Facing execution at the hands of Kimblee for their failure and moved by Alphonse’s words, Jerso and Zampano ask to be brought along, even if they have to remain in handcuffs. Once both chimeras revert to their original form and are informed that any betrayal on their part will mean the death of everyone in the land – including the loved ones they left in their former lives, the plan is put into action. Instructed to remove her metal earrings to avoid frostbite, Winry gives them to Ed for safekeeping and heads to the roof with Scar, where their ruse goes off without a hitch.

While all the soldiers are hiding from the blizzard in one of the many abandoned buildings, Miles receives a message from Fort Briggs about an emergency. Scar, Marcoh, May, Winry, Yoki, Jerso and Zampano walk through the mining tunnels as Scar reflects on his master and his brother’s positive words about changing the state of the world through patience and peace. The group rests in an abandoned mine office while Yoki examines a more detailed map, and May notes that her discoveries regarding the Philosopher’s Stone have left her very disturbed; despite the evil nature of the Stone, she is certain that Emperor Xing would not hesitate to sacrifice people in pursuit of it if they told him how the Stone was created, but her clan depends on her returning with the secret of immortality. Marcoh suggests that an alternative solution may be found after deciphering the notes. Back at the makeshift base camp, however, Miles gives the Elrics much less hopeful news; Major General Armstrong has been suddenly summoned to Central City by the Führer, and Military Command operatives have taken control of the fortress in her absence, meaning that Briggs is no longer a safe place for Marcoh’s group. They walk towards the trap, but with the blizzard still raging, it is impossible to reach them in time to change the plan. However, Alphonse, whose body does not freeze or tire in the snow, voluntarily sets out on the journey.

Aiming with the map, Alphonse walks steadily towards where Marcoh and the others will emerge from the tunnels, but the darkened conditions complicate his path. Suddenly an ivory haze covers his sight and all sound is silenced; Confused, Al looks around to find himself standing in front of the Gate in a familiar white space. In the chamber with him, she sees his horribly emaciated human body, stretching out an atrophied hand. Al reaches for his body, but before he can, he reawakens in a blizzard. Shaken by the unexpected vision, Al remembers Barry Chopper’s assertion that the dissimilar body and soul will eventually reject each other, and assumes that the process may have begun. Alphonse shook the terrifying thought from his mind and continued.

Deep below the central command, the father places small totems on a mock-up of the five-point transmutation circle or the center of the world itself, listing the names of his potential human victims; he names Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Van Hohenheim, and Izumi Curtis, but notes that he needs one more.

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