Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 27 : Interlude Party

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 27




 In a scene set long ago, Hohenheim is watching a party when a younger Pinako Rockbell offers him a drink. While watching the party, Pinako mentions the need to take a break from conflict as their country is constantly at war as with Ishval. Several clips show the number of potential conflicts that Amestris has had to suffer since King Bradley took over as Führer. When the girl offers to dance, Hohenheim politely declines, and Pinako reminds him that the boys were at that age when they attempted human transmutation, and Hohenheim claims that even if he said something, it stopped them or what they had to atone for, which will flash. clips from the day Ed and Al lost their bodies from human transmutation and began searching for the Philosopher’s Stone, only to find the atrocity they had to commit to create it. Watching Pinako dance with the children, a man resembling Hohenheim admits that humans never learn and only fear the dark. He suggests that they use them to their advantage as resources.

This goes back to when Ed discovered the special transmutation ring for Human Sacrifice in Lab 5. After fighting the Slicer Brothers and despite being a saint, Ed refused to kill them, but they were killed when Lust and Envy destroyed their Blood Runes before they also revealed much of the Homunculi’s plan. In addition to Ed and Al, the Homunculi were also planning to use Izumi Curtis and Roy Mustang as victims, and Tim Marcoh wanted to know what that meant. It was due to uncovering the plans of the Homunculi that Maes Hughes was to kill because they were planning to create the same kind of transmutation ring that destroyed Xerxes. Back in the present, Pinako confronts Hohenheim on the subject, who admits that nothing would change if he informed everyone and observed humanity for a long time and saw them as weak. Watching the two children’s bodies explode, several clips showing the powers and abilities the Homunculus has, but Pinako admits to Hohenheim that despite their disadvantages, humans never give up, and other clips are shown, such as Mustang killing Lust despite being seriously injured . , Ed figures out how to defeat Greed even though he’s bleeding, Scar’s brother saves Scar and gives him his arm at the cost of his life, and Lan Fan sacrifices her left arm to save her and Ling’s lives from Wrath.

Despite her father’s insistence that people’s fate cannot be changed, and Pinako revealing herself to be Hohenheim, the younger Trisha claims that people can change, and after clips showing various characters demonstrating courage, Trisha confirms that these fears can also make people stronger. After hearing Trisha’s message to reminisce about his days in Resembool and his experiences with the people there, Hohenheim wakes up and realizes that everything he just experienced was nothing but a dream.

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