Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 24 : Inside the Belly

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 24




 At the Homunculi’s hideout, Envy comes to Marcoh’s room with food and is surprised that he is not eating at all as he is supposed to be an important sacrifice. Marcoh can only speculate that it has to do with using the land and people to create a giant transmutation circle, which Envy admits is on track. Envy reminds him that if Maroch betrays the original deal he made with Lust, then the Homunculi will wipe out everyone in his village. Envy then comments on how emotionally weak humans are by stating that he killed a man by turning into his wife. Meanwhile, Pride, who is in hiding, talks to Wrath (King Bradley) about his recent problems: the scar that got away and Gluttony’s capture. Wrath admits that even though his position as leader of Amestris is part of his father’s plan, there is still a lot of interference from Colonel Mustang, the Elric brothers, and foreigners from another country. Wrath admits that a younger generation is coming around the corner, to which Pride agrees, but asks that he not make this remark to his father, or he might be considered a traitor. Wrath changes the subject and reveals that – based on reports from MPs – she believes she knows where the Gluttony may have been taken.

In the hideout, Mustang orders Lt. Hawkeye not to get too close as the aura created by Gluttony’s absorption eats away at part of her shotgun. Mustangs makes it clear that Gluttony is after him as Gluttony has morphed into a form that resembles a Gate in his stomach. While Ling works to get Lan Fan out, Ed is surprised by Gluttony’s alchemy-induced transformation, but Mustang decides to take him down because Gluttony has seen too much and knows everyone’s names and faces. His attempt at Flame Alchemy fails as Gluttony absorbs it into his stomach. The Elrics and Mustang barely dodged another shot from the glutton and lured the glutton away from the house and into the forest. Mustang decides to disperse and finds that Gluttony is still after him, but Hawkeye arrives and shoots Gluttony in the head. However, Mustang’s injury, caused by his earlier battle with Lust, starts acting up again. As Ling helps Lan Fan into Dr. Knox’s car and notices the dog, Gluttony finds and tries to suck Mustang into his body, only to discover that it is a dummy.

With Ed’s distraction, Hawkeye manages to get the Mustang into Knox’s car. Mustang reluctantly agrees to the Elrics and Hawkeye’s suggestions that he escape with her, as well as Knox and Lan Fan, as he is too injured to help and that due to the Führer’s involvement, Mustang must do something about it while the Elrics stay with Ling. fight gluttony. Before leaving, Hawkeye offers Ed a gun, which he reluctantly accepts, and Ling asks that they take care of Lan Fan. After Gluttony’s destructive rampage and watching him destroy the forest, the Elrics and Ling are thinking about how to fight him when they notice a dog that is actually Envy. Ed recognizes Envy and attacks him for calling him a pipsqueak, discovering that Envy is only there to get Gluttony, though he doesn’t stop attacking at first because that’s what Envy called him before in Lab 5. Envy tells Gluttony that The Mustang has already left and don’t attack the Mustangs or the Elrics as they are important casualties. Ling wants to know how many souls they have in their bodies, and Envy realizes that it’s the same child who fought Wrath earlier. Before the offended Ling can fully introduce himself, Envy decides that only Ling can be killed and gives Gluttony the order. Realizing this, Ed transforms the giant wall so they can face Gluttony and Ling face Envy.

Selim Bradley is reading a poem he wrote about his father at the Führer’s house when they start fighting. Commenting on Ling’s swordsmanship, Envy allows him to get close and punch him in the stomach so he can turn his arm into a snake that binds him. Envy turned his other arm into a blade and tried to finish Ling off, but Ling cut it short to kick sand into Envy’s face and then freed himself, subsequently cutting off Envy’s right arm with his sword. Envy is angered by this trick and Ling tells him that due to his position he was targeted for assassination from a young age and had to develop the necessary skills to survive, including learning to use dirty tactics. As they continue to insult each other with Ling determined to get Envy to talk about Houmunculi’s secret of immortality, Ed transforms the well to trap Gluttony, but fails as Gluttony uses bones to escape his new form.

At the wrong moment, the Elrics punch Gluttony through the wall, and though it distracts Ling, he stops Enva’s final attack. Envy transforms into the injured Lan Fan and takes Ling away to be devoured by Gluttony. When Ed moves in to protect Ling, realizing what is happening, Envy tries to stop him, resulting in all three being consumed. When an angry Al demands that Gluttony return them and return to his previous form, Gluttony reveals that he cannot, causing Al to scream in agony. Meanwhile, Dr. Knox has moved Lan Fan into his house and has to let her recover on his bed to avoid suspicion that he is living alone after the divorce. When Lan Fan demands that she must marry Ling, Knox points out that there is nothing she can do to help her in her condition. Knox then confronts Mustang as he and Hawkeye prepare to leave to confirm who their friends and enemies are. Mustang assures him that despite his condition, he can’t let things stand as they are, and that he also can’t waste the sacrifice Ed, Al, and Ling made to help them escape.

During the car ride, Mustang admits that he is going by what both Hawkeye and Hughes told him earlier. Arriving at Central Command, Mustang learns that Hawkeye won’t run away if things go wrong and admits how stubborn she is. Mustang then meets and speaks with Lt. General Raven, admitting that he heard from General Grumman about how devoted Raven is to his men. While accompanying Raven to one of his meetings, Mustang made up several rumors he had heard, including that one of the Führers was a Homunculus. However, when he arrives at the meeting, after seeing all the top brass there and finding that Raven demands he tell the joke, as well as the Führer’s arrival, Mustang becomes nervous. Realizing that he has been played, Mustang recognizes that Hughes’ advice was not about corruption coming into the state military, it was actually corruption within the military itself. When Mustang admits that he and Ed have entered Hell, Ed wakes up in a mysterious place filled with objects and covered in blood.

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