Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 70 : The First Homunculus

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 70





Flashing back a few hours to Winry’s first arrival in the northern region, she was guarded at the base of the mountain until Solf Kimblee arrived to escort her to Fort Briggs. While driving up, Kimblee spoke, asking if Winry’s parents were the Doctors Rockbell who had lost their lives during the Ishval Civil War, noting that his unit had retrieved the bodies of the Rockbells from where they died and that he had come too late for them. Kimblee stated that for following their convictions and remaining on the battlefield until the moment of their death, the Rockbells earned his respect and he only wished he could meet them.Back in the present, Winry equips Edward with new automatic limbs in the cold climate of the medical room at Fort Briggs, admonishing him for not telling her he was going north and asking why the boys were trapped when she arrived. Kimblee, who is overseeing the scene, explains that it was a simple misunderstanding and that he will take care of it personally, to which Winry responds with gratitude. Ed approaches her, warns Winry not to trust Kimblee, and begins to tell her that he was the killer in Ishval, but his memory of Lt. Hawkeye’s story also reminds him of her remark about his own feelings for Winry, causing him to go far. too agitated to think clearly. As she frantically recites the periodic table of chemical elements to calm her mind, Winry absentmindedly asks herself why she fell in love with such a freak.When he has his new limbs properly installed, Ed notes that they are much lighter than he expected, and Winry replies that while his arms and legs are less durable overall, their key features have been strengthened. After Captain Buccaneer arrives to show off his own new Mad Bear Automail, Winry leaves with Briggs’ mechanical staff, touring their workplaces and studying their own development using Automail in a cold climate. After Ed warns her to be careful and avoid wandering around, Kimblee approaches Fullmetal and states that it’s time for them to discuss business.Alphonse, still in his cell and under the watch of Kimblee’s bodyguards Zampano and Jerso, realizes that Kimblee is trying to keep the Elrics separated and brings Winry to Briggs to act as a hostage and bargaining chip. He decides to be patient and wait for his chance to act. At the site of the new secret entrance to the underground tunnel, Major General Armstrong oversees how 2nd Lt. Henschel, Karley, and several other soldiers mount a rescue/reconnaissance mission into the tunnel itself. As they descend into the dark depths, the Buccaneer requests that the entrance be resealed if their group does not return within twenty-four hours. Armstrong, in turn, notes to her remaining men that Raven’s death was her fault and that if an investigation is opened into the matter, they are ordered to blame her and abandon her for the fortress.In Central City, Colonel Mustang learns about the situation in the north from a flower seller and is told that Briggs, who excels in defense, needs the help of the eastern region’s forces, who excel in offense. As he pays her for the information and she prepares to leave, Roy asks the flower girl who she is, and she remarks that she is merely an old woman who has served the Armstrong family for generations. In the tunnel below Briggs, Buccaneer’s party come across dead horses and severed limbs of the first party, as well as pieces of metal that have been mysteriously cut into pieces. Cautiously, however, they discover two terrified survivors of the previous party shivering in the dark. Furious, the men declare that they must run quickly and extinguish all the lamps because the light draws a “shadow”. Sure enough, the mysterious, ocular shadow from earlier resurfaces and creeps along the tunnel wall to prey on Buccaneer’s group. However, as if his attention is suddenly called to something else, he quickly retreats and disappears without noticing. The rescue party narrowly escapes death and heads back to the fort.Back at Central, Lt. Hawkeye arrives at the Führer’s executive headquarters with important documents for King Bradley to view. However, Mrs. Bradley informs her that the Führer is currently out. As she hands over the papers, Riza is struck by the sense of a malevolent presence creeping up behind her and quickly turns to face the newcomer, who turns out to be only young Selim Bradley, who replies that he thought he was the person at the door. was his father and greets Lt. Hawkeye before he is taken to bed. Mrs. Bradley gushes over her adopted son, and Riza remarks that the boy’s gregarious nature must come from the First Lady’s family, but Madame replies that Selim is actually a distant relative on her husband’s side. Shocked, Riza hurriedly leaves, remembering that – according to Mustang’s account – King Bradley is a Homunculus and should have no blood relations. And when she remembers that Selim gave off a strange presence a moment ago, her mind is led to a unique conclusion – a conclusion that is all but confirmed when little Selim himself emerges menacingly from the surrounding shadows, bemoaning his mother’s talkative nature. Hawkeye, clearly cornered, notes that the presence Selim exudes is similar to the one she felt when Gluttony approached her from behind, demanding to know the small boy’s true identity. Selim replies that since she exercised caution and left the weapon in the holster, he will leave her unharmed until she tells anyone of her discovery. He states that Gluttony’s presence is far worse than his own, and as the mysterious shadow from the tunnel expands from his body, Selim explains that he is – in fact – the very first Homunculus: Pride.Back at the Briggs, Kimblee holds a private conference with Edward and explains that the time has come to fulfill his duty as State Alchemist. The Führer ordered the Fullmetal Alchemist to assist in the search for Scar and Dr. Marcoh in the northern Red Lotus region and also carved the Crest of Blood into Briggs.

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