Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 52 : Lord of the Demon’s Laiir

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 52





Alphonse begs Gluttony to take him to his father, explaining that he would very much like to see him.Meanwhile, after a brief discussion about who will open the Portal, we cut to Roy and King Bradley talking about the fact that King Bradley is a Homunculus. Flashing back to the events that took place during the funeral of Brigadier General Maes Hughes, Bradley recalls how angry Hughes’ daughter’s loud mourning became. Roy then demands how could he say such a thing when he had a son himself. Bradley sees this as a “threat” that cannot be used against him and tells Roy that he should worry about his own weaknesses.Even worse news was to come when Sergeant Kain Fuery reported to First Lieutenant Rize Hawkeye that his post had been reassigned to Southern Command. And that was not all: Second Lieutenant Heymans Breda was transferred to the Western Command and Ensign Vato Falman was transferred to the Northern Command. As Riza was stunned and silent due to the confusion, she too was ordered to be reassigned to Central Command where she was Führer King Bradley’s personal assistant.From there, May continues to search for the missing Xiao-Mei, deducing from the people that she was last seen with the armor that it was the armor they fought with the day before. May takes Scar in a frantic attempt to find Xiao-Mei along with the armor, but when they find him, Scar stops her from going any further when he notices that the other individual is a homunculus. After a moment of debate between them, they go down into the underground canals to follow Alphonse and Gluttony. As they go further down, May feels an eerie sensation as if many things are crawling under their feet. Just then, Alphonse cheers up the frightened Xiao-Mei, who is afraid of the gate guards in the dark. As they walk downstairs, Alphonse asks if he’s getting close, and Gluttony admits that his father is still far away.Ed and Ling remain trapped inside Gluttony and face an overzealous/destructive Envy, who has now transformed into his true form, which is monstrous and shows all the previous souls he has consumed. Ling asks Ed if he can transform the weapon and now admits that he has a few broken ribs as Ed agrees that he is in the same condition and that it will be difficult. They rush to flee into the darkness to regroup and launch an attack when Envy hurts them both enough causing Ed to rush in for a quick attack. However, he stops when he is confronted by the souls of previous beings who speak to him and frighten him. Ling rushes over and attacks Envy from above, trying to snap Ed out of it, telling him that they aren’t human and that he’s a monster. But Ed stops again after hearing what he thinks is the sound of Nina calling out to him to play together as Envy prepares for another attack against Ed. The attack is successful this time, as Ed appears to have given up as he stares off to the side at a piece of Xerxes wreckage, causing Ling to frantically try to snap Ed out of this state of surrender. Just before Ed is completely consumed, he remembers his trip through the desert and ruins as he connects the dots and puts his foot through Envy’s tooth, yelling to let him go, that he knows how to get them out.Back underground, Scar and May fight the gatekeepers using their alkahestra to defeat them. Scar points out that they are unusual because they are actually chimeras that they created using alchemy. May then feels the very strange sensation again, but this time she concludes that it is coming from the person below.

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