Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 23 : Knocking on Heaven’s Door

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 23





Five months later, Edward and Alphonse suddenly reappear in Resembool with a new air of success and maturity, declaring that they have completed their alchemical training. They head to the Rockbell house where they are greeted by Winry, Pinako and a hot meal, but when the ladies ask them to tell stories of their learning, the boys are left speechless with shock and horror at the very thought of reliving their significant other. – a year of suffering. However, the fruits of their labor are made quite clear when they are asked to help some neighbors fix a storm-damaged shed, and instead of simply converting new support beams, the boys construct an entirely new building in seconds. Ed and Al revel in the praise, but still note that they have a long way to go to catch up with their teacher, who can somehow perform transmutations without the aid of the Circle – just by clapping her hands.The scene shifts back to a few months earlier – during the sparring between the Elric brothers and Izumi Curtis. While fending off both boys’ attacks with only one hand while reading a cookbook, Izumi explains that the circle is the basis of alchemy and dictates the flow of energy, while the runes in the circle allow the energy to be released in a specific way. Furthermore, he explains that circular energy manipulation has applications outside of alchemy – such as in combat – and that understanding the circular flow, accepting it and using it to create is what makes one an alchemist. The boys soaked up this lecture good naturedly, but exchanged worried glances as Izumi made one last remark – that life and death were part of this circle and he must never attempt or be allowed to bring anyone back from the dead. Alphonse asks her how she can transmute just by clapping her hands together. He understands that the circle is made by connecting her arms over her hands, but wonders what will replace the runes. Izumi states that she herself becomes runes, but adds that the boys may be able to do the same if they ever come to the “truth”.Back in Resembool, the young Elrics wonder what their teacher meant by “truth”, but put their confusion aside in favor of their new task – using their new knowledge to discover the formula for human transmutation. Months pass as the Elrics continue their secret research until late next summer, Edward finally perfects the formula and rushes to show Alphonse. Jovially unaware of the impending danger, the boys prepare all their materials and ingredients, as well as the complex Circle of Human Transmutation, and eagerly await the moment they will see their mother again. After each adding a drop of their own blood to the mix to create a soul from their shared DNA, Ed and Al begin, placing their hands on the field and beginning the transmutation. Almost immediately, however, it becomes clear that something is wrong. As the swirling energy darkens, Al realizes that his body is being decomposed piece by piece; Ed moves to help, only to find that his left leg is also deconstructed. Transmutation reflects on them. A terrified Alphonse screams for help, but before Ed can reach him, Al vanishes completely with a loud crack, and Edward mysteriously finds himself in a vast, white space filled only by a large stone slab engraved with an alchemical mural. As Ed looks around in confusion, apparently not remembering what just happened in his family home, he is greeted by a shapeless white being who introduces himself as a being that most people call “God” or “The Universe” or “…Truth”. The being goes on to say that it is also “all”, “one” and Edward himself as the stone slab opens like a pair of doors to reveal a shadowy void with several shadow-like ethereal hands sticking out of it and a single large eye inside. “True ” mocks Edward as hands grab the boy and drag him into the gate. Truth scoffs at Ed’s screams and declares that this is what the little boy always wanted as the Gate door slams shut. Inside is a vast amount of biological, alchemical and historical information fed directly into Edward’s mind as his body is being torn apart molecule by molecule but as he begins to succumb to pain he sees a figure resembling Truth but with his mother’s shape stretched out towards him Desperate Ed reaches for her but before he can make contact , of sure he is pushed back out of the gate and into the white space, his body completely intact. When Pravda asks how Edward enjoyed his trip, the boy replies that – even though his head nearly exploded with all the knowledge pouring into it, he somehow managed to understand everything he was shown and realized that his formula it didn’t work for human transmutation It wasn’t so much incorrect as it was incomplete. Edward excitedly notes that the missing piece was just ahead and asks Pravda to let him into the gate once more. But the truth is that Ed has already seen as much as he can for the toll he paid. As Ed tries to make sense of this strange note, he realizes that his left leg is being deconstructed right before his eyes and is slowly being reconstructed on Truth’s own ethereal body. With a terrifying smile, Truth reminds the young alchemist of the concept of Equivalent Exchange.Edward immediately finds himself in his own home in Resembool, screaming in pain as he bleeds out on the floor, everything below his left knee completely gone. Horrified, he calls out to his brother to find that only Alphonse’s clothes remain – the younger Elric’s entire body has been taken into the void. Looking into the center of the circle, hoping his mother’s presence will heal his physical and emotional wounds, Edward sees the being he and Al transformed is now a grotesque inhuman creature with a half-formed body. The being who is supposed to be his mother stares at him blankly before coughing up blood and falling limp to the floor. Horrified and panicked, Edward hastily bandages his leg and drags himself to one of the armor lining the wall. Pulling him to the ground, he drew a small transmutation circle on it with his own blood, desperately hoping to bring his brother back from the Gate. Regardless of whether this second toll will be his other leg, arm, or even heart, Edward pleads with the Truth to give him back his brother – his only family – and claps his hands to begin the transmutation.Inside the Gate of Truth, he discovers Edward’s right arm slowly being reconstructed and remarks that the young boy is simply crazy.

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