Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 37 : The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 37




 At Central Command, someone has ordered the Mustang Squad to investigate their leader, to which Lt. Havoc asks everyone for help. Officer Falman, Lieutenant Breda, Sgt. Fuery and Lt. Havoc begin observing and documenting Mustang’s activities. However, Havoc is badly upset after everyone documents Mustang taking Havoc’s recent girlfriend to the game.

Fighting Lieutenant

Havoc sits outside depressed about his inability to keep a girlfriend. Not realizing it’s his fault, Mustang asks the other men to find a wife for Havoc so it doesn’t interfere with his military duties. When no one admits he can help, Mustang asks what kind of woman he likes, which Falman identifies as well-groomed beauties, so Mustang assigns him a task. Meanwhile, Sheska meets with Lt. Col. Archer, who wants to temporarily hire her to recreate the files regarding Grand, Marcoh, and Tucker, along with details regarding the incidents at Lab 5 and Central Prison. Sheska accepts so that she can secretly use the files at the Military Court Office to find a new lead in the case of Maes Hughes’ death. While Falman contemplates finding a well-groomed beauty, he and Sheska bump into each other. After an awkward moment, Falman mentions that the well-groomed beauty he’s looking for is Havoc and asks if he knows anyone. Overhearing them, Major Armstrong mentions his younger sister who is of marriageable age.

Arriving at the Armstrong Mansion, Havoc is nervous, and although Fuery and Breda mention that he will live a life of luxury if he marries her, Havoc believes that she might be too much like her brother. Once pulled in while Philip Gargantos Armstrong talks about their family history, Havoc is terrified of him and Mrs. Armstrong and can only imagine if Catherine is anything like that. He is then introduced to Catherine, who looks simple compared to her father, mother and brother despite her shy nature. After almost being put off by her hobbies, Havoc works up the courage to ask her out, but is turned down as Catherine is only interested in men similar to her older brother Alex, and Havoc faints in embarrassment.

Mystery of warehouse 13

While the Mustang is burning a secret message from Major Armstrong, Falman and Fuery are on their way home that night when they hear a strange noise and see the number 13 appear on the front door of the warehouse. The next morning, Hawkeye wakes up to her dog licking her leg, and she practices basic commands before taking the dog to work with her. He walks into work where Fuery and Falman mention their experiences. Although there are 12 military depots, both of them and Breda believe it to be a haunted place due to past military executions and tell a ghost story of what they believe to be true. When Mustang finds this ridiculous and believes the story was made up out of fear, the men want him to accompany them that night to uncover the truth. Mustang, who was riding in a car driven by Hawkeye, finds it hard to be a role model for his cowardly men, and then stops at the Hughes house. Mustang meets Gracia and Elcia Hughes and is invited to tea, but notices Winry watching him from an upstairs window, still angry at him for her parents’ death, so he declines the tea apologetically.

Sheska finishes her report and gives it to Archer, who after reading Sheska’s report orders it destroyed despite her objections. While meeting with Führer Bradley, Archer mentions that with several records from the 5th Lab, he believes there is a secret conspiracy within the military due to the events that happened because of it. With Kimblee and Tucker under his command, Archer receives the Führer’s approval to go with them and deal with the rebellion in Reola. Archer also learns from the Führer that Scar has gone back into hiding. That night, Mustang and his men look around and find nothing conclusive until they see the letters A and B on two warehouse doors, where the letter B could use the darkness to cover part of it to resemble the number 13. Just as they are ready to head back, the group finds dirt that was recently dug up. Believing it to be the work of a murderer, Mustang orders the plot to be dug up the next morning, but they soon witness the bones actually being buried by Black Hayate.

Later at Mustang’s office, he receives classified information over the phone and meets with the Führer in his office to request that he accompany Archer and Armstrong on their mission to put down the rebellion in Reola, which is approved.

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