Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 20 : Soul of the Guardian

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 20




 We recap the events of the previous episode and two Lab 5 guards unleash a horrific attack on Edward and Alphonse. Ed explains that since he lunged at someone (Al) who is also holy, Ed could tell by the movement of the armor. Number 48 responds by stating that he was a previously convicted criminal known as Slicer who was due to be executed for his murderous rampage two years ago before his soul was bound to the armor, confirming to Ed that there is a connection between Lab 5 and Central. Prison. Ed reveals to 48 that he is not immortal because he will die if his Blood Rune is destroyed and that he now knows where he is, which 48 doesn’t care because he loves a challenge. They continue to fight while deflecting 48’s sword, Ed has trouble hitting 48 with his automail sword due to his automail arm malfunctioning, causing Ed to remember what Winry said about it being more fragile due to its lighter weight. After Ed injures his right shoulder, 48 advises him to give up as Fullmetal is getting exhausted, explaining that no one will help him as his partner is dealing with Al outside. After discovering that his partner is weaker than 48, Ed is not concerned because Al has never been beaten in a fight.

Meanwhile, outside the lab, Al easily dodges Number 66’s attacks and ends up knocking him to the ground, revealing to Al that 66’s body is also sacred. 66 reveals to Al that he can’t recognize him with his new body, but he never forgot that Al and Ed were the ones who arrested him and turned him into a convicted felon. After revealing that 66 was his number on death row, 66 reveals his true identity as Barry Chopper, who Al realizes is the same deranged killer Ed helped catch three years ago after he hijacked the chopper himself and tried to kill both Ed and Winry. When Barry tries to intimidate Al about his body, he finds that it doesn’t work because Al’s body is also sacred and that neither of them know where their respective Blood Rune is, although Barry is determined to find the seal on Al’s body. Meanwhile at the National Library, while Sergeant Brosh is talking to Major Armstrong about Scar’s attack and the current location of the Elrics, he prefers to remain silent, but noticing that Armstrong is a suspect, Lt. Ross quickly explains that the Elrics are in Lab 5 and need to deploy troops there.

As Ed’s sword battle with Slicer continues, Ed’s reactive dodging of his opponent’s sword begins to falter, just as his automatic arm continues to malfunction. Ed tries to use alchemy to summon the spear, but Slicer destroys it before Ed has a chance to use it. While creating a copy of Al with Alchemy, Slicer is caught off guard and Ed cuts off his helmet, knowing that without the Blood Seal the rest of his body cannot move, just as Ed removes his automatic sword. Ed grabs the helmet, hoping to interrogate Slicer for information on the Philosopher’s Stone. However, Ed is caught off guard and is slashed across the chest, revealing that the criminal known as the Slicer was actually a pair of brothers with an additional blood seal for the younger brother on the body armor. Ed is now in dire straits as younger brother Slicer won’t allow Ed to use alchemy to recreate his automail sword or use other transmutations, just as the massive blood loss begins to make Ed pass out. Ed knew how important it was to live so he could return Al to his original body, then remembering Scar’s destructive alchemy, Ed uses this technique out of desperation to dismantle the armor without destroying the younger Slicer Brother’s blood seal. Realizing they can’t fight anymore, the two brothers suggest Ed destroy their blood seals, which Ed refuses out of respect for Al, whose body is in the same situation.

Outside, Barry is still having trouble fighting Al, who wishes to end the fight so he can go help his brother. Once Barry finds out that Ed was the one who turned Al into his sacred body, he plays a mind game and tricks Al into thinking that everything about him is artificial and his whole life is a big lie. Inside, though, Ed explains that even though they are sacred because the Slicer brothers were once human, he can’t kill them, which the older brother finds ridiculous due to their lifetime of crime. Barry still wonders if Al ever existed and Al remembers his and Ed’s recent trip to Resembool and Ed was too scared to mention anything.

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